Unakoti Festival or Ashokastami Festival

Unakoti is ornamented with huge rock-cut images of gods and goddesses in the midst of liberal gift of nature. Call it a holy place a historical remains or a hill station, every denomination seems befitting. However, ‘Sitakunda’ or ‘Ashtamikunda’, a natural reservoir emanating from a romping spring of crystal water becomes the most tantalizing attraction to the people on Maghi Sankranti (in February) and Ashokastami when they, beating the shivering cold take dip into it. With the passing time Raghunandan Parvat of the past has given way to Unakoti, just 10 k.m. away from Kailashahar. Here nature has opened its heart out and the sculptors have staked their dexterity in full. Mesmerised by its vastness and uniqueness Archaeological Survey of India compared the archaeological remains of Unakoti with the famous sculptures of Mahabalipuram. It is also regarded the largest bas-relief, the sculptures carved on the face of a hill in India.

Schedule Place & time: At Unakoti every year in February

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